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What is this pesky pain on the inside of my knee?!

What is this pesky pain on the inside of my knee?!

Been getting that annoying pain on the inside of your knee even though your scans ruled out any serious pathology? Read on to learn more about what it could be and how Physiotherapy can help!

Argh! Where in the HEEL is my pain from?!

Argh! Where in the HEEL is my pain from?!

Calf pain? Heel pain? Achilles tendon pain? Come on! Where in the heel is the pain coming from? It’s probably Achilles Tendinopathy. Used to be known fondly as Achilles Tendinitis, this condition can affect different groups of people.



Tendinosis, tendinitis, tendinopathy…what are they? What’s the difference between them??

Pain Neurotags: Why do I need to know this?

Pain Neurotags: Why do I need to know this?

The brain is a complex organ. It forms connections based on past experiences, to identify situations that could possibly threaten or cause danger to our bodies.

Pain: A Friend or a Foe?

Pain: A Friend or a Foe?

Pain is such a common phenomenon that we all experience in our everyday lives. More often than not, your pain experience will likely result in feelings of stress and anxiety, as you might be thinking that there is some ‘damage’ in your body. However, is pain really a bad thing?

Tennis elbow…and I don’t even play tennis!

Tennis elbow…and I don’t even play tennis!

Having lateral or outside elbow pain? Been told that you have tennis elbow? Fret not! Help is on the way to fix that pain of yours. Read on to find out how we at PhysioX are able to help!

Is running bad for my knees? Does BMI matter?

Is running bad for my knees? Does BMI matter?

Is running bad for my knees? Does BMI matter? These are some common questions we hear in the clinic. No, running is not bad and BMI does not matter. What matters is your training volume and strength you have in your legs! Now go forth and run!

Can I prevent low back pain?

Can I prevent low back pain?

Now, here’s the real deal… Almost everyone will experience low back pain at some point in their life. What can you do about it?

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